Fill out the form below to apply! Juice & Java Cafe5258 Simpson Ferry RoadMechanicsburg, PA 17050 Starting wage $15.00/hour + tips Job ApplicationPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date *Name *Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY) *Contact Phone Number *Email *Home Address *Desired Hours/week *10-20/wk20-30/wk30+/wkDescribe your general availability, and any days/times you cannot work. Why? (be specific) *What are your short term plans? (Leaving for school / moving away / etc...) *Level of Education Completed *Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If so, what, and explain *Do you use any drugs? Would you submit to drug testing? *Do you know anybody who works at Juice & Java? If so, who? *What exceptional skills/traits or previous experience do you possess that could separate you from other applicants? *List Previous Work Experience: (Name of Business / Dates of Employment / Position Held / Wage / Reason for leaving / Supervisor Contact Number *WebsiteSend